Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Easter eggs

I came down with a cold, and I decided to postpone work on the baby blanket so that I wouldn't sneeze all over the fabric. I don't think adding germs to a baby blanket is a great idea. I started working on another project instead - making Easter eggs from a pattern I found here. Holiday decorating is difficult with the kitties. I can't put up even a little fake tree for Christmas because Big Kitty eats both real and fake plants, and I don't think I can try to dye Easter eggs this year because Little Kitty is obsessed with eggshells. He digs them out of the trash if I make scrambled eggs, he tries to go after hard-boiled eggs, and I don't know why. I've never given him eggs, and I wish I knew what makes him go crazy over them. So I guess fake eggs it is. I've made just a few eggs so far, and I have trouble sewing a decent curve, so the first few don't have the greatest egg shape. I'm getting progressively better, though, and hopefully the next ones I make will be better. But at least these won't be eaten by a kitty. I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Get better. The eggs are cute. (Does little kitty need calcium?)
