Thursday, March 24, 2011

More color advice

There are some big fabric sales going on this weekend (40% off solid colors, plus an extra 25% off's so hard to resist!), so I decided to plan out some future projects and stock up on fabric while it's on sale. One idea I have is for a pretty small project, not like the baby blankets that are lining up (seriously, how many babies are due this summer?), but again, I'd like some more advice. This project will have a sunrise and sunset theme. I'd like to know, which color group do you like best for a sunrise, and which color group do you like best for a sunset? Or are there different colors you would like better? Or a different order? I have other color ideas as well, but putting up pictures of more choices than these got a little crazy. Of course, what I actually get will depend on what's in stock - but I'd like to plan everything out ahead of time so I don't walk out with a crazy amount of fabric. For once I'd like to stick to my list when I get in the store!


  1. Personally, I love D as a combination. But I like A as a sunrise and F as a sunset.

  2. It's interesting that you like D - that's the one Mom chose for a sunrise. And it's also funny that you like A for sunrise and F for sunset, because when I made the combinations, I was thinking of A as a sunset and F as a sunrise. I guess it just shows how differently people can see the same colors!

  3. Good thing I got some green fabric today!

  4. Is that a hint as to your choices?
